Monday, June 28, 2010

Philadelphia, PA

Ah, nature.  Lexi and I drove up to CT for the week.  We stayed at the Lake House and family came by every day to visit, swim and eat.  We had such a wonderful time.  Every day was packed with relaxing and breathing.  I gave Lexi a little tour of NW CT, which is just beautiful this time of year, so lush.  We had a picnic and nap at Topsmeade.  Art took us out on the pontoon boat to the deep end of the lake where we lazily swam hours at a time, napped in the heavy sunlight on the boat and cooled ourselves with chilled Sam Adams.  A couple friends made an appearance for a swim and visit.  And we had family dinners every night.  What a great time.  Thank goodness for a break.  We certainly needed it.  Lexi and I took 1-2 hour naps every afternoon.

I've decided this week to begin taking my own little steps, and stating them in my blogs to be sure I follow them.   My little step this week is to get more rest.  I haven't been sleeping well these past few weeks because of many different reasons, but I've decided every time I get a chance to take a nap I will.  Actually, perhaps right now is a superb time.  Be right back.  ;)

The night before I drove into Philly I spent in NYC with Brandon.  I arrived pretty late, but there was a spot waiting for the Kashi mobile a block away and Brandon was home from rehearsal.  (His show opens pretty darn soon!)
We had a lovely breakfast at a local diner and I hopped in the car to head down to Philly.

The event went pretty well.  As usual, it was superbly hot!  The heat has been following us everywhere.  It's pretty miserable.  It was over 100 degrees on Sunday.  Every weekend so far, I've gotten home unbelievably dehydrated and dizzy with exhaustion.  Functioning as a regular human being is out of the question.  I'm sure I'd be pretty funny to watch.  This summer has been super hard on us.  No kidding global warming!  Oh gosh!  Tommy informed me that 86-89 degrees people get angry and 90 plus people just don't care anymore.  Once I had this awareness, I watched as the temperature rose.  The day started at 10am with temperatures already at 86.  The first 2 hours people were pretty angry.  It takes us an hour to open, and people were walking in to soon.  We'd ask them to come back at 11 when we were open and they'd sort of snarl at us.  Haha.  We were having generator problems because the heat was so extraordinary the genies didn't know how to handle it.  So, since we had a couple quick computer glitches, people were pretty upset.  No patience.  A few minutes later the temperature was over 90 degrees and people literally started functioning like cattle.  They went and did anything we told them to without a question or thought.  No sign of emotion or interest.  It was amazing.  I couldn't believe it.  The heat is a powerful thing.    Abbey - don't move down south.  It's too hot!!!

We're headed to Minnesota next, where there are hurricanes, tornadoes and floods in the works.  Oh, this summer just keeps getting more and more exciting, at least weather-wise it does.  I wonder how this affects our behaviors as humans.  Not just from the heat, but the negative energy the sky is spitting at us and the strength of the burning sun cutting through our thinning ozone layer.  I imagine more than we think.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Scarsdale, NY

Sunday night I fled from Virginia.  And the whole drive up had no better food options than what was available in Norfolk.  It was a lovely drive though.  I drove over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, which, I think, is the most beautiful drive in the country.  It's 25 miles of bridge and tunnel in the middle of the ocean.  So awesome!  There was a thunderstorm to my right, a rainbow diagonally to my right and the gorgeous sunset to my left.  It was an awesome sight!  I knew I had made the right choice to leave and head up to see Brandon in NYC.
When I crossed into NJ the temperature dropped about 15 degrees and it started to drizzle.  I drove over the Verrazano bridge, which was exciting for me as it was my first time going that way into NY.  Very convenient if you're trying to get to Brooklyn.
I arrived at Brandon's apartment around 1am and spent a half an hour looking for a parking spot.  Once we finally found one, we ran into his apartment and I did all my uploading and downloading that I do after each event day.  What fun!  Brandon was patient, let me do my work and then sleep.  We were both so exhausted from anticipating my arrival.
The next couple nights we spent in Hudson, NY at a wonderful eco-friendly farmhouse bed and breakfast called Thyme in the Country.  We had such a pleasant time together and with the owners, who were so kind.  They joined us for breakfast each morning.  We all would talk about each others lives and how we protect the evironment and our sanity.  It was so nice to share ideas.
Hudson itself was a sweet little town.  We ate at Earth Foods twice, a lovely organic diner.  The food was spectacular.  One night we went to an organic pizza restaurant for very unusual and delicious pizza.  It was very much a Sunie pizza kind of place.  Yum!  A wide variety of strange toppings and yummy options.  We spent our days at Hawthorne Valley store and school, snoozing on a hammock by the eco-pool, walking into the fields, watching the cows, chickens and the little b&b puppy, hiking at Bash Bish falls (where we stopped on the border of our two states), driving around the country side in the Kashi hybrid mobile, eating delicious organic breakfasts and napping in the most comfortable bed we've ever been in.  Everything from the mattress to the sheets to the cleaning agents were organic and delicious.  What way to spend a few days.  Being reminded of all the different little communities that exist and the different lifestyles that are out there from the cities is always so nice to see.  I think both Brandon and I really benefited from this little trip up north.  It was so nice for us to have time with each other amidst my crazy travels with Kashi and Burt's and Brandon's busy NYC lifestyle.  We thoroughly enjoyed every second of our time together.  I continue to feel so lucky to have Brandon in my life.  And the routing on this tour has worked in our favor so far.
Heading back into the city, we stopped in Brooklyn Heights for an organic dinner at Siggy's with my old time friend Jenn LaPlaca.  She finally got to meet Brandon.  The food was delicious and the company superb.  Afterward, Brandon and I walked along the promenade and admired the view of the big city.  When we drove home to Park Slope. everyone was screaming and honking at each other.  How I love NYC!  Ha.  I've become so used to all the space and kindness of people, I'm always unpleasantly shocked when I come back into the city. I try to give it another chance every time I go for Brandon's sake, but it somehow sucks the life out of me.  I need peace and quite.  People are so jaded in the city.  And to think I used to live here.
The event we worked was in Scarsdale, NY.  Just 15 miles north of the city.  A very affluent town, as you can imagine.  We were at an art festival.  The location was beautiful and the people were very friendly.  Both my Dad and Brandon worked with us during the weekend, which was quite nice to me.  And my Mother, Art and Grandmother came on Sunday to see what I do, which was a real treat for me and my Grandma.  And having most of my little family there was sweet!
After two longs days of hat and humid weather working outside, we tore down and headed out of NY.  Lex and I were heading to CT for a few days.  And Tina and Tom were headed to the Jersey Shore for some time with family.  Can't wait!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Norfolk, VA

The drive from Tampa to Richmond was quite beautiful.  I always fall in love with North Carolina, every time I pass through it.  It's just gorgeous.  There were lovely daffodils between N and S on 95.  And the air, oh the air, to drive with my windows down and breath in the freshness was just superb.  I couldn't get enough.  I stopped in Lumberton, NC for the night and when I stepped out of the car I almost fell over with love for our Earth (okay, maybe it was because I had been sitting for the last 10 hours...).  The air had a coolness to it and the humidity was NOTHING compared to Florida.  It was a wonderfully delicious feeling.  So happy to be driving north.
The drive did seem unbelievably long.  We had to cross from Western Florida to Eastern Florida through great rain storms and 100 degree heat.  I thought I would never get out of there!  Finally crossing into Georgia I felt a huge sense of relief.  Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina are such short little states on the East side.  The drive went much faster once I realized I'd driven through 4 states in one day.  The only issue I had on this drive was the food.  There was simply nothing to eat!  McDonald's, Burger King, Subway and Pizza, those were my options.  I planned on stopping at a wholefoods in Jacksonville, but I never came across it.  So I had an apple and a banana.  I finally forced myself to go to subway since I was behind the wheel of a vehicle driving 75 mph, I needed some sort of fuel to keep me awake and functioning.  When I pulled off the highway and looked at the vegetables that were offered I felt sick.  I just can't believe people live off this food on a regular basis.  I have been learning so much about food lately, and find I'm having a hell of a time getting my hands on something I am willing to eat these days.  Yuck!
When I arrived in Virginia, everyone was out shopping and driving at 2pm.  Don't people work here?!  It took me 25 minutes to drive 1 mile once I got off the highway.  We were located near the airport, so all there was there were shopping centers.  Ugh.  Lexi and I hopped in the car seeking out good food.  The closest whole foods was 142 miles from here, so that was crossed off the list.  And the only organic store I knew around there was pretty teeny tiny.  So, we opted for a mainstream grocery store.  Oh My God!  We drove by 3 stores before we decided one was worth stopping and looking in.  When we got into the store the produce section smelled rotten and the one little aisle of organic was far more expensive than whole foods and mostly offered natural chips.  Hahaha!  When I asked if there was any organic produce I was brought to a plastic carton of cherry tomatoes and told that was it!  We put our baskets down and fled!
We were both so hungry, so we decided to drive to Panera bread (at least they have antibiotic-free chicken).  When we pulled in there was a market next to it that we headed to after we filled our bellies.  I was literally loopy from having not eaten something decent since the morning before I left Florida.  We certainly were laughing a lot.  Once we'd eaten, we headed into the grocery market.  This place was a little better, they had the wild harvest line, which Shaws carries in MA.  I really wanted some cheese, so we headed over to the special cheese section.  We spent 20 minutes in hysterics looking at the prices of these tiny blocks of cheese and the mold that was growing on the cheaper blocks.  So embarrassing.  What do people eat down here?  I ended up leaving with organic lettuce, wild harvest bread, some absurdly priced cheese, eggs, broccoli and a 6-pack of Sam Adams Coastal Wheat.  Sounds great for 6 nights!  Hahaha.
Lex and I spent the next day at Virginia Beach.  We really enjoyed looking at the water, but it wasn't safe to go in, big storms a brewin'.  And, gosh, these beaches are nothing compared to the Cape.  They are all so built up with hotels and condos and restaurants.  There is barely any beach at all.  Still, the more time I spend away from my home, the more I fall in love with it!
As for the event, whoo!  The people who came to our event and worked for us were all just so uneducated and unaware of what we're here promoting.  I have some pretty hysterical stories.  One of which a woman grabbed one of our q-tips (for trying Burt's Bees), swished it in her mouth, put it in her ears to clean them and then said, "Ah, that feels better."  OMG!  People were very friendly, but, wow, I would never want to live down here.  The thought process here is super slow, the food options zero and the unemployment rate has sky rocketed.  Eeek!  Could not wait to get out of here either!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

St. Petersburg, FL

On my way to Florida, I stopped in Paris, KY to meet Brandon's family and see his hometown.  What a beautiful place.  Kentucky is truly a hidden treasure.  I drove by green, green farms and beautiful horses.  I stopped at Brandon's Dad's home and had a nice long visit with them.  They loved the Kashi and Burt's Bees.  And I loved being able to spend some time in someones home as opposed to a hotel room.  They are such good, kind people.  I see a lot of Brandon in his family.  We stopped by his grandmother's home to say hello and I ended up meeting a few more family members that stopped by to visit her as well.  I really enjoyed my time with them all and hope to make it back to that part of the country again sooner than later.  I realize more and more how fortunate I am to have Brandon in my life with all that he brings along with him.  :)
My drive to Florida was LONG!  I spent the night in Macon, Georgia and could feel the humidity getting thicker and thicker.  By the time I arrived in Florida I couldn't drive with the windows down anymore.  Just stepping out of the car seemed like a huge effort.  My body would break into a sweat after standing for 2 seconds.  Ugh.  It's unbelievable.  I don't know how anyone lives down there and why anyone would be crazy enough to try.  It's just dreadful.  And is so much work for the body, going from freezing AC inside to 110 degree heat and humidity outside.  We all felt like we were getting sick near the end of our 5 days there.  Although, I was looking forward to working outside just for purifying reasons - all that sweat.  Sure do have to drink a lot of water.  And I thought Cincy was bad!!!
The event went very well.  Saturday was a super hot day to spend outside in the direct sun.  We had 4 women faint within our little footprint and lost a local staff to dehydration.  My goodness!  I was very nervous about the staff the whole weekend, including myself.  I've never drank so much water and not had to use the bathroom.  That's pretty scary.  And the later in the day it got the hotter it got.  I had a hard time watching all these people outside drinking beer instead of water and seeing their babies in strollers sitting in the direct sunlight sweating like crazy with no water in sight.  What are people thinking?!  I think the whole crew ended Saturday with heat exhaustion and sunburns.
We ended one of our evenings in the VIP tent drinking free beer and watching the band America followed by Huey Lewis and the News who came to perform Friday night.  What great entertainment.  That was a special treat for us all.
Come Monday morning we got out of Florida as fast we we got in.  Monday we hit the road, headed north!  All screaming with glee to leave Florida.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cincinnati, OH

What a way to start out the season.
First off, the crew is AWESOME!  We are having such a great time together.  Great attitudes, open arms and happiness makes for a great season with good people.
Our training week in St Louis was held at the CIty Museum.  If you haven't been there, it's basically a playground that is open to adults only at night with a bar inside.  Tommy and I bonded in the caves, crawling through hot pink/green/yellow tunnels, where we laughed, screamed, squeezed through tiny openings and yelled for each other because we couldn't keep up with one another.  Lex, Tina and I went for a morning walk under the arch to get some exercise.  I brought Lexi to an anusara yoga class with a previous Kashi DOC yogi from '08.  All four of us and Dave, the Kashi guy, went to the Cards game at Busch stadium.  We had a fun week!  We're all excited about one another's presence on this tour.  And exploring the country together.
We drove to Florence, Kentucky (our hotel's location outside of Cincinnati) where we spent our evenings drinking wine in the hotel lobby and chatting about our lives.  We chose a day for a hike down in Red River Gorge, recommended by Brandon who is from KY, and spent the day sweating and breathing in the fresh air.  I drove the crew home as they slept.  I felt like the Sunie-Mama I've missed over the past few months being off the road.
As for Kentucky, my goodness are people SLOW.  Haha.  I don't mean this as an insult, it's just so different from the North East.  I knew to expect this, but I'm always surprised anyway.  I found the service was nothing compared to NYC.  I went into Dick's Sporting Goods and had to search for someone who worked there to help me with shoes.  Once I finally found someone, she just pointed in the general direction to where I should go.  She wouldn't take me there or help me beyond that.  I was shocked.  Ha.
The crew and I went out to Newport, KY for a lovely dinner and over to an event that was being help in Cincy along the river.  Wow!  The people there were on the prowl.  I have never seen such tight clothing on rather large bodies and such an odd sense of style.  The style was like LA 5 years ago.  It was hysterical.  We were all very entertained with this.  What a preview for our weekend ahead!  Hahaha.
On Thursday, Brandon flew into Cincy and we had a day and a half to spend together before his family swept him away to their homes.  It was such a pleasure to have him.  He offered me a little break from work, you can imagine all the work that goes into a tour - especially the beginning preparations.  We had a really nice time talking and laughing with the crew, walking past what used to be beautiful countryside full of frogs, crickets and birds and is now filled with parking lots to Wal-Mart, Panera, Steak and Shake and any other chain store you can think of, and eating popsicles to cool us off as we watched "Crazy Heart."  When his Dad came by on Friday, I sent them off with big bags of Kashi and Burt's Bees.
The event went well.  Unfortunately we were directly in front of a stage, so we spent a lot of time smiling and screaming at people to be heard.  Come Tuesday I didn't have much of a voice left.  But the weekend went smoothly and the crew quickly got to know one another's work ethics, which are all awesome.  I'm so proud of us.  We did such a superb job and banged out gift bags like crazy.  The response from the consumers was fantastically positive.  It could have been miserable because of the heat, music and being in Cincy, but we laughed the whole time.
So excited about this summer...