Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Scarsdale, NY

Sunday night I fled from Virginia.  And the whole drive up had no better food options than what was available in Norfolk.  It was a lovely drive though.  I drove over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, which, I think, is the most beautiful drive in the country.  It's 25 miles of bridge and tunnel in the middle of the ocean.  So awesome!  There was a thunderstorm to my right, a rainbow diagonally to my right and the gorgeous sunset to my left.  It was an awesome sight!  I knew I had made the right choice to leave and head up to see Brandon in NYC.
When I crossed into NJ the temperature dropped about 15 degrees and it started to drizzle.  I drove over the Verrazano bridge, which was exciting for me as it was my first time going that way into NY.  Very convenient if you're trying to get to Brooklyn.
I arrived at Brandon's apartment around 1am and spent a half an hour looking for a parking spot.  Once we finally found one, we ran into his apartment and I did all my uploading and downloading that I do after each event day.  What fun!  Brandon was patient, let me do my work and then sleep.  We were both so exhausted from anticipating my arrival.
The next couple nights we spent in Hudson, NY at a wonderful eco-friendly farmhouse bed and breakfast called Thyme in the Country.  http://thymeinthecountrybandb.com/  We had such a pleasant time together and with the owners, who were so kind.  They joined us for breakfast each morning.  We all would talk about each others lives and how we protect the evironment and our sanity.  It was so nice to share ideas.
Hudson itself was a sweet little town.  We ate at Earth Foods twice, a lovely organic diner.  The food was spectacular.  One night we went to an organic pizza restaurant for very unusual and delicious pizza.  It was very much a Sunie pizza kind of place.  Yum!  A wide variety of strange toppings and yummy options.  We spent our days at Hawthorne Valley store and school, snoozing on a hammock by the eco-pool, walking into the fields, watching the cows, chickens and the little b&b puppy, hiking at Bash Bish falls (where we stopped on the border of our two states), driving around the country side in the Kashi hybrid mobile, eating delicious organic breakfasts and napping in the most comfortable bed we've ever been in.  Everything from the mattress to the sheets to the cleaning agents were organic and delicious.  What way to spend a few days.  Being reminded of all the different little communities that exist and the different lifestyles that are out there from the cities is always so nice to see.  I think both Brandon and I really benefited from this little trip up north.  It was so nice for us to have time with each other amidst my crazy travels with Kashi and Burt's and Brandon's busy NYC lifestyle.  We thoroughly enjoyed every second of our time together.  I continue to feel so lucky to have Brandon in my life.  And the routing on this tour has worked in our favor so far.
Heading back into the city, we stopped in Brooklyn Heights for an organic dinner at Siggy's with my old time friend Jenn LaPlaca.  She finally got to meet Brandon.  The food was delicious and the company superb.  Afterward, Brandon and I walked along the promenade and admired the view of the big city.  When we drove home to Park Slope. everyone was screaming and honking at each other.  How I love NYC!  Ha.  I've become so used to all the space and kindness of people, I'm always unpleasantly shocked when I come back into the city. I try to give it another chance every time I go for Brandon's sake, but it somehow sucks the life out of me.  I need peace and quite.  People are so jaded in the city.  And to think I used to live here.
The event we worked was in Scarsdale, NY.  Just 15 miles north of the city.  A very affluent town, as you can imagine.  We were at an art festival.  The location was beautiful and the people were very friendly.  Both my Dad and Brandon worked with us during the weekend, which was quite nice to me.  And my Mother, Art and Grandmother came on Sunday to see what I do, which was a real treat for me and my Grandma.  And having most of my little family there was sweet!
After two longs days of hat and humid weather working outside, we tore down and headed out of NY.  Lex and I were heading to CT for a few days.  And Tina and Tom were headed to the Jersey Shore for some time with family.  Can't wait!

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